Sunday, February 13, 2011

"I'm giving 100%" and other stupid sports phrases....

So of course you heard about Urban Myer taking a job at ESPN. Last we heard Urban "wanted to spend more time with his family." He also cited health issues as reason he needed to take time off. Now I'm not here to call the guy a quitter or suggest he got out before he was ran out. What I'm here to rant about is the use of the phrase "spend more time with my family." We have heard this phrase over and over and the people never actually follow through. I wish once they would tell the truth and say i just can't cut it anymore. Stop blaming it on your family. Urban made 8 million dollars the past two seasons so he didn't need to take a new job. So he could have spent all the time in the world with his family. However, like every other athlete/coach, he had no intention of really staying home, it just sounds like the right thing to say. The phrase "spend more time with my family" needs to be retired.  In fact, many of the things athletes, announcers and reports say, need to be put to bed. The list includes but is not limited to -

- Basketball analysts! Stop saying "score the basketball!" What the hell else are scorers going to do with it?
- "At the end of the day." Retire it. That day has passed.
- "Leave it all on the field." Ok. If we do that, will you guys stop saying that?
- ESPN Radio! Stop saying "good stuff!" Every guest can not have possibly given you great information!
- "On Paper" Hmmm. Games are played in real life.
-"Manage the game." If the quarterback of your favorite team manages the game, your team sucks.
- "If the season ended today"....It doesn't so it doesn't matter who is currently in first place.

These are just a few sports cliches that need to be retired. What are some of the phrases you hate? What else needs to be retired?

1 comment:

  1. You mentioned two of my hated ones already: "Manage the game" is one I hate along with "score the basketball." I also hate "he has to be able to see the field." As opposed to closing his eyes?
