Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Who is really America's team?

Heard a interesting debate earlier today. The Cowboys go by the moniker America's Team and the question is are they really? The up-coming Super Bowl could be a match-up of the true America's Teams. The Steelers travel like a college team and they have fans everywhere. The Pack also have fans all over the country. Furthermore, historically the Steelers and Packers have won at a higher level so the argument exists. I would also add the Raiders to this list. They have a huge following as well. Tragically, that franchise is suffering from Al Davis losing his damn mind and that's a shame. So who do you think is really "America's Team?"

I told my wife that this was my poll question and of course she picked the Cow-pokes. She had a crush on Tony Dorsett as a youngster so I knew what her answer would be. She did bring up some interesting points though. She brought up that the logo is iconic and easily recognizable to the casual observer. The Cowboy's cheerleaders are on a different level than other teams. They have won multiple Super Bowls and have many all-time great players. They also have a stadium that all sports fans want to visit now. These arguments are mighty compelling. So do the Cowboys maintain their status as America's Team? Tell me what you think.

P.S. My wife wanted me to make it clear that even though she firmly believes that the Cowboys are America's team and she still loves them and their cheerleaders, she in no way wants ANY of them on her fantasy team. Her loyalty to the brand does go THAT far.

1 comment:

  1. Despite being a 'Boys fan, I tend to remain bias in sports discussions. Having said that, the 'Boys are America's Team. Why? Because everyone either loves or hates them. How many people can you ask about the Super Bowl and they say, "I don't care who wins as long as it's a good game"? You don't get that with Dallas. People either want them to win or want to see them lose. Why else would Dallas, as a 4-8 team get a prime time Sunday Night game against the Eagles if not for a ratings grab? They could have flexed that Week 14 game out, but chose not to do so. And the ratings didn't disappoint. Being America's Team isn't about championships, players, etc. It's about who America wants to see. Bottom line: every team in the league and their fans wants to beat Dallas for a reason. Because they're America's Team.
